NopWired – (3) Content Management

Language – Localization

Watch video tutorial below about configuring nopCommerce localization.

Configuring localization strings in nopCommerce

After you have plug the theme into your store, you may find some non-human-readable text strings in store front-end, for example “NopWired.WelcomeMessage.NewCustomer” in the header. These text strings are actually manageable (localizable) in nopCommerce. Now, what you would need to do is to give them meaningful values so that they are human-readable.

To change the value of each localizable strings, navigate to admin dashboard, Configuration > Languages. Click on “View string resources” link of your desired language. Then, add the following localization records into the table. If your store implements multiple languages, then you would need to repeat the task for each of the languages.

NopWired.WelcomeMessage.ReturningCustomer Hi, welcome to pronopCommerce!
NopWired.WelcomeMessage.NewCustomer Join us now to enjoy $20 off discount!
NopWired.QuickDescription Quick Description
NopWired.ShopBy Shop By
NopWired.QuickView.ViewFullDetails View Full Product Details
NopWired.QuickView.MorePhotos View {0} more picture(s)
NopWired.MoreProductVariants This product has multiple variants. Please click the link below to find out more.
NopWired.Product.QuickView Quick View


Watch video tutorial below about nopCommerce topics.

Setting Up Pro nopCommerce Themes

There are a few new topic blocks applied in NopWired homepage in addition to the default nopCommerce topics. Navigate to admin dashboard, Configuration > Content Management > Topics (Pages), add the following new topic:
1. Promo1
2. Promo2
3. Promo3
4. Promo4
5. Brands

The sizing of images used in NopWired Demo Site is illustrated as above.

Name your logo image as “logo.png” and replace it in “/Themes/NopWired/Content/images” folder.
If you run your store on nopCommerce 3.80, please upload your logo image to Admin > Configurations > Settings > General Settings.

Pro NopCommerce Credit
Lastly, thank you for choosing NopWired Responsive Theme. Pro nopCommerce had put in 100% effort in the theme development. Unfortunately, we couldn’t assure that the theme is 100% perfectly working in all sort of situations. Therefore, if you found some errors or bugs in the theme, please report issues at [email protected].
Enjoy your theme!

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